Institutional Experience With Venous Aneurysms – Insights On The Natural History And Outcomes Of Surgical Treatment


  • Daniel Azevedo Mendes Department of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto, Oporto, Portugal
  • Rui Machado Department of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto, Oporto, Portugal
  • Carlos Veiga Department of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Hospital de Braga, Braga, Portugal
  • Rui Almeida Department of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto, Oporto, Portugal



aneurysm [MeSH], popliteal vein [MeSH], venous thrombosis [MeSH], pulmonary embolism [MeSH]


Introduction: Venous aneurysms are rare, so their natural history is not fully understood. Indications for treatment are often determined by the location and size of the aneurysm; however, considering the scarcity of data, there are no specific recommendations. Surgery is the mainstay for venous aneurysm treatment, but some authors reported successful endovascular treatment. We intend to describe our experience with this type of rare disorder.

Methods: A post hoc observational study of a prospectively maintained registry including consecutive patients admitted with the diagnosis of a venous aneurysm at different locations between January 2007 and September 2021. Demographic data, anatomic location, and medical history, including trauma or venous surgery, were analyzed. All vascular reconstructions and outcomes have been evaluated.

Results: We identified 30 venous aneurysms in 24 patients. Fifteen patients were male (63%). The most common anatomical location was the popliteal vein (n=19; 63%). Four patients had multiple venous aneurysms, and three patients had synchronous arterial aneurysms. Twelve (63%) of the popliteal vein aneurysms identified were surgically treated, most commonly by tangential aneurysmectomy and lateral venorrhaphy. The average diameter at the time of surgery was 22,8±3,6 mm. After discharge, all patients were anticoagulated for 6 to 12 months, in most cases with rivaroxaban. With a median follow-up time of 32 months (12 – 168 months), primary patency was 92%. Aneurysm recurrence was only observed in one case (1/12; 8%) with non-occlusive thrombosis of the aneurysm 14 years after surgery. One patient had a 21 mm gemelar vein aneurysm, having been proposed for surgery, with thrombosis before the intervention. Two patients had common femoral vein aneurysms treated with partial aneurysmectomy and lateral venorrhaphy without thromboembolic events during follow-up. Two patients presented with portal system aneurysms, one associated with portal hypertension. No treatment was performed, and an increase in aneurysm size was observed during follow-up. Another patient presented with acute deep vein thrombosis on chronically thrombosed bilateral iliac vein aneurysms. Three patients had aneurysms of the superficial venous system associated with previous trauma, which were treated with simple ligation and excision.

Conclusion: Venous aneurysms are rare and most commonly located in the popliteal vein, which seems to be associated with chronic venous disease. Treating these aneurysms, even without symptoms, can be important to avoid thromboembolic complications. However, close long-term follow-up with duplex ultrasound should be considered to detect late recurrence. Aneurysms from other locations are even rarer, and treatment decisions should be individualized, weighing the risks and benefits of the intervention.


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How to Cite

Azevedo Mendes D, Machado R, Veiga C, Almeida R. Institutional Experience With Venous Aneurysms – Insights On The Natural History And Outcomes Of Surgical Treatment. Rev Port Cir Cardiotorac Vasc [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];30(2):23-3. Available from:



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