
  • Joana Ferreira Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular, Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
  • Jacinta Campos
  • Sandrina Braga
  • Pedro Sousa
  • João Simões
  • Celso Carrilho
  • Alexandra Canedo
  • Amílcar Mesquita




Objective/Background: Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is an important manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis. Obesity is a risk factor for atherosclerosis and for cardiovascular events. However, the relationship between obesity and PAD is unclear. We hypothesized that anthropometric measures of adiposity, in particularly of central obesity will be associated with PAD severity, in patients undergoing aorto-bifemoral bypass.

Methods: A prospective observation study was conducted. From 2009 and 2012 a total of 46 males who underwent aorto-bifemoral bypass were enrolled prospectively. 17 with intermittent claudication (IC) and 29 with chronic limb threatening ischemia (CLTI). They were followed for 5 years. The anthropometric measures, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and the seric levels of hemoglobin, triglycerides, and albumin were recorded. The mortality and cardiovascular events in following five years were also registered.

Results: The groups did not differ in the mean age (IC 60.69±7.46 versus CLTI 64.51 ±8.42 years, p=0.712), diabetes (IC 18% versus CLTI 45%, p=0.06), hypertension (IC 70% versus CLTI 52%, p=0.21), hypercholesterolemia (IC 18% versus CLTI 45%, p=0.47) and smoking habits prevalence (IC 100% versus CLTI 86%, p=0.11). The anthropometric measures: weight, WC and WHR were significant lower in CLTI compared to IC patients (IC 72.74±9.84 Kg versus CLTI 65.92±10.89 Kg, p=0.043; IC 98.65±8.19 cm versus CLTI 89.38±15.91 cm, p=0.017; IC 1.06±0.06 versus CLTI 1.01±0.06, p=0.038). The serum levels of hemoglobin, albumin and triglycerides were also lower in CLTI patients (IC 14,40±1.63g/dL versus CLTI 13.3±1.89g/dL, p=0.048; IC 4.6±0.81g/dL versus CLTI 4.3± 0.67g/dL, p=0.007; IC 212±95.60mg/Dl versus CLTI 111±41.53 mg/dL, p=0.001). No relation was found between the anthropometric measures at admission and the cardiovascular events or mortality at five years.

Conclusion: CLTI patients had lower anthropometric measures of obesity, when compared to IC patients. These results could be explained by the fact that CLTI patients with severe atherosclerotic disease are in a state of chronic inflammation, with consequent cardiometabolic demands and catabolism.


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How to Cite

Ferreira J, Campos J, Braga S, Sousa P, Simões J, Carrilho C, Canedo A, Mesquita A. DIFFERENCES IN ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASURES BETWEEN CRITICAL LIMB THREATENING ISCHAEMIA AND INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING AORTO-BIFEMORAL BYPASS. Rev Port Cir Cardiotorac Vasc [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];27(2):111-6. Available from: https://pjctvs.com/index.php/journal/article/view/58



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