Penetrating Vascular Trauma To The Brachial Artery


  • Pedro Pinto Soussa Hospital Sra. da Oliveira, Portugal
  • Pedro Sá Pinto Centro Hospitalar universitário do Porto, Portugal
  • José França Centro Hospitalar do Funchal, Portugal



Penetrating trauma, brachial artery, stab wound


Civilian penetrating injuries to the upper extremities are becoming seldom, with few case reports presented in the recent literature. Nevertheless, the brachial artery is the most frequently injured artery, accounting for approximately 30% of all vascular injuries.

The authors present two clinical cases of brachial artery penetrating trauma with a stab corrected with an interposition saphenous bypass graft.


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How to Cite

Pinto Soussa P, Sá Pinto P, França J. Penetrating Vascular Trauma To The Brachial Artery. Rev Port Cir Cardiotorac Vasc [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];29(3):75-7. Available from:



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