
  • Cristina Rodrigues Thoracic Surgery Department, CHULN, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Daniel Cabral Thoracic Surgery Department, CHULN, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Isabel Correia Pneumology Department, CHULN, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Luísa Pinto Obstetrics Department, CHULN, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Mónica Centeno Obstetrics Department, CHULN, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Francisco Félix Thoracic Surgery Department, CHULN, Lisboa, Portugal



A 19 years-old woman, on her 17th week of pregnancy presented to the emergency department with thoracic pain and vomiting. An empyema was diagnosed and she was transferred to a tertiary hospital for treatment. After drainage of the empyema a mediastinal mass was detected and a thoracic MRI revealed a multicystic lesion of the anterior mediastinum, causing cardiac and left lung compression, suggestive of a complicated teratoma. After a multidisciplinary discussion involving pulmonology, radiology, obstetrics and thoracic surgery, she was operated successfully by clamshell incision. A mature complicated teratoma was resected and a left pleurectomy/decortication performed. She was discharged on day 17 with no obstetrical or respiratory symptoms.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues C, Cabral D, Correia I, Pinto L, Centeno M, Félix F. COMPLEX MEDIASTINAL TUMOUR IN PREGNANCY: CASE REPORT. Rev Port Cir Cardiotorac Vasc [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];27(3):217-9. Available from:



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