Uterine Leiomyomatosis With Intracardiac Extension: One-Stage Surgical Approach


  • Pablo del Canto Peruyera Angiology, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University Hospital of Cabueñes, Gijón, Spain https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6253-7143
  • Manuel Javier Vallina-Victorero Vázquez Angiology, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University Hospital of Cabueñes, Gijón, Spain https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9510-9372




Leiomyomatosis, Uterine Neoplasm, Cardiac Imaging Techniques, Vascular Surgical Procedures, Venous Thrombosis, Cardiopulmonary Bypass


Intravenous leiomyomatosis is a rare benign vascular tumor. Intracardiac extension is infrequently but can lead into a threating-life situation. We report a 41-year-old woman who has undergone previous hysterectomy due to uterine myomatosis and now presents with a pelvic mass contacting the venous system through the right internal iliac vein and extending up to the right pulmonary artery. Surgical resection of the pelvic mass and intravenous tumor removal was successfully performed in a single-stage approach with cardiopulmonary bypass. Patient recovered satisfactorily, being asymptomatic at hospital discharge time. One-stage surgical approach needs a multidisciplinary surgical team and needs a longer operative time than two-stage approach. However it can be a safety treatment option for patients with good general condition. Furthermore cardiopulmonary bypass guarantees a safe procedure, avoiding renal and hepatic ischemia and potential embolizations into pulmonary circulation during mass or ilio cava venous sector manipulation.


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How to Cite

del Canto Peruyera P, Vallina-Victorero Vázquez MJ. Uterine Leiomyomatosis With Intracardiac Extension: One-Stage Surgical Approach. Rev Port Cir Cardiotorac Vasc [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];30(3):77-80. Available from: https://pjctvs.com/index.php/journal/article/view/344



Clinical Cases
